With the improvement of the people’s living standards, the centralized heating policy in northern China has gradually improved and more and more families have joined the central heating policy. Although there are many benefits of centralized heating, it will inevitably lead to dry indoor air, causing the virtual fire to accumulate in the body. It will also result in a cold after going out of the air. So humidifiers that have been popular in recent years have entered our lives.
A humidifier brought to everyone today is Pentium-made Pentium (PVOS) PJ3801 and Tianyu humidifier aroma purification humidifier.
1. Appearance The Pentium humidifier has a round, warm, transparent top cover that makes the humidifier look more like a texture. From the feel, the transparent plastic material of the top cover is solid and reliable, but intuitively, this smooth texture will inevitably scratch scratches in the future. It will not be so transparent after a long time. However, as a humidifier, who would often take the friction and top cover it.
Split the machine, the upper tank is about 4L, 250ml per hour consumption of fog, this volume is sufficient for daily use. The water tank and the bottom atomizer are separated from each other. The internal structure of the bottom atomizer is basically the same as that of other categories, but the lid at the bottom of the tank is far more reliable than other products. The front is a rotary regulator, which adjusts the fog size of the machine smoothly. It can be adjusted according to the requirements. There is an indicator light on the front panel. Normal is green and red when it is dry.
Place a incense box at the spray of the machine, and put some cool incense on the summer to help refresh the mind and soothe the nerves.
2. Use experience I use too many humidifiers, Pentium humidifier's advantage lies in the appearance of the appearance, lower prices. In general, the product is worthy of praise for the price and for the consumer.
    1. Ultrasonic humidifier is best to use pure water humidification, because many areas of water quality is harder, that is, high levels of calcium and magnesium ions, plus the water treatment plant uses bleaching powder and some other water purifying agent, these components humidify the humidifier It is very unfavorable to say that some calcium and magnesium ions are ejected together with water mist, dispersed on the surface of objects and on the ground, and after drying, form a “white powderâ€-like scale, and another part is deposited on the surfaces of the transducer plate and sink to form a solid scale. It is caused by the impure water quality, and the scaling of the surface of the transducer chip will affect the humidification effect, and even the lack of timely cleaning will cause the load of the transducer chip to increase, and the transducer chip and the electronic original to be burned.
2. Timely replacement of the water in the tank, because the water is stored for a long time, the water quality will change, so long when not in use, do not put water in the tank and the sink.
3. Do not add inferior additives (such as perfumes) in the water tank, which will easily cause cracks in the water tank and the base's watering area, affecting the normal operation of the machine.
4. When humidifier is collected, please clean the water part and wipe it dry. It is best to place it in a ventilated place and put it into the packing box.
5. There are three things to note when cleaning transducers:
First, disconnect the power and operate it.
Second, use a special cleaning agent for cleaning, cleaning the surface of the transducer to drop 5-8 drops of cleaning fluid, of course, according to the degree of scaling, as appropriate, until the removal of scale so far, be careful not to use hard tools to force descaling So as not to scratch the transducer.
Finally: After cleaning, flush the tank with clean water. When flushing, do not allow water to flow into or spill into the base of the base so as to avoid short circuits and damage to electronic components.
6. The water level float switch should also be inspected during use. If the floater scales and the weight is heavier, it will lose the water free stop function and affect the normal operation of the machine.
7. Air duct cleaning, all kinds of humidifiers have a pneumatic device, with this device, it has an air inlet and outlet, long-term use of the air inlet, it will also lead to dust blocking, causing poor air inlet, directly affecting the proliferation of water mist . Regularly clean the air inlet and outlet of the machine