The Verge Chinese Station reported on July 27
In a few days, Microsoft will usher in the first anniversary of the release of Windows 10. For Microsoft and Windows 10 users, this day is a busy day. Microsoft will release the anniversary update of Windows 10 on that day, bringing many new features to the improvement. As Windows 10 is about to end the free upgrade strategy, Microsoft seems to have devoted more sincerity to paying users, making its new system more fluent and smoother. Previously I've been experimenting with the anniversary update beta for Windows 10 for a while, so let's take a look at the upcoming features of Windows 10 after the official release.
Windows Ink
Windows Ink is undoubtedly one of the biggest highlights of this Windows 10th anniversary update. When I was using the Surface Book test, although there were many limitations in the function, it still brought me a lot of surprises. Windows Ink can change the way many stylus pens are used. Essentially, it can be quickly accessed through the top of the stylus to open built-in or third-party tools, and it can also write new Sticky Notes while using Cortana for handwriting input. Artificial intelligence to set calendar items automatically.
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In addition, the Sketchpad feature is very useful when we want to graffiti or draw quick guides for friends or family. At the same time, the new tools can be used to perfectly integrate the touch screen and the stylus, and the Screen Sketch function is also very practical, and can be quickly shared without the automatic screen capture. I have shared my work with others several times, and everyone can modify it together.
However, the Windows Ink function does not solve the limitations of all Windows 10 systems in terms of stylus, the built-in mail client still can not immediately write content by handwriting, and the feeling of stylus still does not integrate into the Windows 10 system. The core part is not as good as Edge, Cortana, Maps or Office.
Edge Browser Extensions
If you are a fan of Edge browser, then it is very happy that Microsoft has provided extended support for Edge in the anniversary update. Now you can use third-party developer plug-ins to fill the browser. Edge's extensions are similar to Chrome, including AdBlock, 1Password, LastPass, and EverNote.
At the same time, Microsoft also added Web notifications to Edge, allowing Web sites to push messages through the Windows 10 Notification Center. Now the user can also right click on the back button to see the history tab and right click on the tab to withdraw.
In addition, Microsoft also optimized Edge's power consumption, claiming to be 70% higher than its competitors. Overall, although Edge's current feeling is still somewhat weird, it is already close to the full version. But to persuade Chrome users to return to Edge's embrace, they have to work harder.
Cortana improvements
Cortana, Microsoft’s digital voice assistant, debuted on Windows 10 for the first time last year, and this time, Microsoft decided to optimize it on the anniversary update. First of all, we can let Cortana take notes, play music, set reminders, etc. At the same time, Cortana also has more intelligence, you can schedule a time in advance to schedule an appointment or send an email.
Although I rarely use Cortana voice assistants myself, I very much hope to see Microsoft make more changes to Cortana while competing against various rivals.
Black theme and UI adjustment
I personally like the black theme of Windows 10. Although Microsoft introduced various topics last year, it has been improved in this update. Most displays and notebooks can display very clearly the details on the screen when displaying this black theme. We can even turn on the black mode and set the background of the application to be black.
At the same time, Microsoft has also adjusted many UIs for this black theme. The list of all applications in the start menu can also be displayed as a tile. This means that if there is a news-type tile, clicking once will continue inside the tile. View news content instead of opening news app directly.
In addition, the notification center has also been improved, the task bar can display a larger number of notification icons, and we can quickly reset the number of quick switches, and can display up to 14, including VPN settings, tablet mode, mute and Wi-Fi Switch and so on. Microsoft also improved the system clock by adding a complete list of events to the calendar.
In other aspects, hidden taskbars can be automatically selected in tablet mode, which allows users to take full advantage of the screen's width.
Automatically set the time zone
I have always been envious of OS X users have automatic time zone conversion, and Microsoft has never added this feature for Windows systems. However, in this anniversary update of Windows 10, we finally welcomed this feature.
If you travel or travel abroad, you don't need to adjust the time zone manually. Although it seems that this is not a major new feature, it is very important and often plays a key role. However, this feature is turned off by default and must be turned on manually when needed.
Windows Hello Recognition App and Website
Windows Hello is one of the features of the Windows 10 system. It uses a camera to scan the user's facial features for password-free login. I use this feature every day and there is almost no failure, and Microsoft integrated this functionality into applications and websites in the Windows 10th Anniversary Update.
Therefore, the user does not need to input a password when logging in to a website or an application, and only needs to scan the face information with the camera.
Xbox One Running Windows 10 Apps
Xbox One is finally compatible with Windows 10 applications. Feeling that this commitment has been around for a long time, but finally ushered in the day of honor. After Xbox One is running Windows 10, Microsoft will launch an upgrade and let Xbox One also support Cortana and applications.
We hope to see some practical applications appear on the Xbox One, such as Netflix has become a common app for Windows 10 and Xbox One, and Microsoft also provides MSN weather and Groove Music. Since most of the current applications are perfectly compatible with Windows 10, running on the Xbox One platform is not a big problem in the future.
In addition to the average user, Bash's integration is also very attractive to developers and technologists. Microsoft has integrated Bash into the Windows 10 system, opening the door to cross-platform development for developers.
Linux developers can use all the tools they need to use on the Windows 10 system, but this is an optional feature, so it is turned on before use, and once it is turned on, Microsoft will also update Bash for follow-up.
Project to PC
Microsoft will add a new feature called "Project to PC" in the Windows 10th Anniversary Update. This function is similar to remote desktop, allowing us to easily find files on our computers through a smartphone or another PC. We can display what we see on another device and use keyboards, mice, and other peripherals.
This company seems to be more suitable for business users, especially those who want to share documents with the office environment.
New Skype
Windows 10 platform already has so many Skype apps. It is very difficult for us to choose. Although Microsoft has integrated Skype in Windows 10 system, Microsoft still designs a new version of the general program. Although it does not have full functionality, basic Skype video calls and audio calls work well. If you turn it on during Windows 10 startup, it starts immediately and displays a prompt in the notification center.
Synchronize smartphone notifications to your PC
Like Windows Ink, notification center synchronization is also a major feature of the Windows 10th Anniversary update. If you use a Windows 10 Mobile or Android smartphone, you can use Cortana to sync the smartphone's notification content to the PC's notification center. Even we can quickly reply on the PC, view messages or send photos to the PC.
Overall, the anniversary update of Windows 10 left a deep impression on me. After Microsoft unveiled Windows 10 for a year, Microsoft added a lot of new features. However, the actual effect depends on the user's feedback after the release of the official version. . In general, the increase in small features is actually easier to capture the hearts of users, so Microsoft also did a lot of work in the Windows 10 behind the scenes, including multi-display support, DPI expansion, improve endurance and so on. (Author: Tom Warren compilation: Human)
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